Tree Trimming

Trees are undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of our biosphere, not only because they provide us with the necessary oxygen for our survival but also because they have unparalleled commercial and aesthetic value. Interestingly, trees are known to continually grow and seek rooms to expand once the right conditions are encouraged and sustained.

Whether you own an orchid, a landscape or even a yard and are concerned about maintaining and optimizing the looks of your trees, then tree crown reduction, also called pruning is inevitable. Crown reduction is the means of deliberately using dedicated tools to pick at the crown of your trees to encourage further growth. This is often done through various timelines, as some trees require it in the fall while others require it in the spring.

In light of these, your trees are encouraged to produce more refulgent leaves, aesthetically-appealing blossoms and improved fruit production. Ultimately increasing their intrinsic and extrinsic value to their owners. Some of the various types of crown reduction services obtainable are listed below:

Fine Pruning

This is a basic pruning exercise that seeks to remove some redundant limbs that aren’t as productive as the whole, to make room for more viable limbs.

Standard pruning

This crown reduction process goes a little bit beyond what the FCR offers as it seeks to enhance the trees branch structure, eliminating both unproductive limbs and redundant branches.

Hazard pruning

Whenever your tree is deemed potentially dangerous, having reached a branch diameter of above 2”, it becomes important to prune them to avert potential disaster.

Crown Reduction

As the name implies, this process seeks to eliminate all non-beneficial branches from a tree crown to improve the growth of the tree crown. This can usually be for reasons such as; eliminating its interference with an overhead electricity cable/ power line or to eliminate infected branches that could immensely pose danger at great heights.

Benefits of crown reduction

Safety concerns

One of the most important reasons for the crown reduction of any tree is to eliminate any safety concerns it might pose. Should a tree be threatening to interfere with an overhead power line, then reducing its crown height is important. Also, should you notice a tilting or decay in a particular branch at a height, it would be important to engage crown reduction services to eliminate the potential for sudden breakage that might be dangerous to man and property.

Tree health

The second most common reasons people engage in crown reduction activities is to reduce the probability of the entire tree dying from a disease. Certain branches might have become infected with certain diseases or pests and should that branch not be eliminated immediately, the entire tree might die.

Tree aesthetics

This would help your tree look well structured, balanced and healthy. They would be able to absorb more sunlight while gaining increased air circulation.

If you are serious about having a healthy tree population on your facility, crown reduction becomes important. However, care should be taken not to DIY as this could be detrimental to both your health and to the trees.

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